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(02) 8072 6575

White and Green Bouquet

This stunning bouquet features gorgeous white roses, lush chrysanthemum disbuds and graceful oriental lilies - it's sure to make a lasting impression on your lucky recipient!

Because all of our flowers are fresh as can be, some buds may be sent closed. This protects them during delivery and increases their longevity, ensuring your arrangement will arrive safely.

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White and Green Bouquet Flowers

Total: $139.95

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Plus Delivery from $22.95

This stunning bouquet features gorgeous white roses, lush chrysanthemum disbuds and graceful oriental lilies - it's sure to make a lasting impression on your lucky recipient! Because all of our flowers are fresh as can be, some buds may be sent closed. This protects them during delivery and increases their longevity, ensuring your arrangement will arrive safely.
Click to call (02) 8072 6575